On Dec 03, 2018, at 01:41 PM, Pierre Labastie via blfs-support <blfs-***@lists.linuxfromscratch.org> wrote:
On 03/12/2018 20:20, Hans Malissa via blfs-support wrote:
On Dec 03, 2018, at 01:41 AM, Pierre Labastie via blfs-support
<blfs-***@lists.linuxfromscratch.org> wrote:
On 03/12/2018 06:30, Hans Malissa via blfs-support wrote:
On Dec 02, 2018, at 10:26 PM, Bruce Dubbs via blfs-support
<blfs-***@lists.linuxfromscratch.org> wrote:
On 12/02/2018 10:40 PM, Hans Malissa via blfs-support wrote:
I'm in section "Xorg-7 Testing and Configuration" in BLFS 8.3-systemd.
Xorg seems to work, and when I issue startx I get the Xorg desktop with
3 xterm windows and 1 xclock window. However, the windows have no
frames, and cannot be moved or resized. I remember twm differently, and
I'm wondering if it's supposed to be like this, or if something is wrong
with twm? Is this the default behavior, just windows that have no
frames, and cannot be moved or resized?
Thanks a lot,
You should be able to grab the header and move the windows. Resizing is
different. Click and hold in the upper right corner with the left mouse
button and move the mouse out of the window. An outline should appear.
When you release the mouse button, the window should resize. Click in
the background to get a menu.
-- Bruce
The windows have no header. The way you describe it is what I remember from
twm, but my windows have no headers and no outlines. That's why I'm wondering
whether twm is working alright.
That happened once to me because I had built xorg-server before installing the
font utilities. Because of that, Xorg couldn't find fonts that twm was
requesting, and twm could not start. I think you can still exit X, though, by
moving the mouse to the upper left window and typing Ctrl-D. Then you can
examine the terminal where you launched "startx" for any errors (note that
there may be a lot of warnings about fonts not found, if you have not
installed the legacy fonts, so that this part is useless). If my hypothesis is
correct, it should say something about helvetica fonts, as far as I remember.
Also look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to try to see what went wrong.
If the fonts are not found, install them, and rebuild xorg-server. If anything
else, well, I guess we need more details...
Thanks for the information. Yes, I can switch the active window by hovering
the mousepointer over it.
I'm pasting my /var/log/Xorg.0.log below. I see some error messages regarding
fonts, but I guess that's related to the legacy fonts, nothing concrete about
helvetica fonts.
So which section did I miss? I've been following chapter 24 as closely as
possible, but I can't exclude the possibility that I missed something or that
something went wrong.
Thanks a lot,
The log seems OK. The font directories seem to be found.
What you can try is to issue "twm &" at the prompt in the window which is
above the others. I mean:
- First start Xorg with "startx"
- You'll get the four windows (3 xterm's and 1 xclock). Hoover the mouse other
the window which is above the others (hopefully it is one of the xterm
windows). Then type "twm &".
You'll get a lot of warnings, but maybe there will be an error message or
something telling why twm does not start (or aborts).
Ah, now I'm getting something: when I try to launch twm as you describe, I get one font-related error message:
twm: unable to open fontset "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"
I guess it's really that some fonts are missing. I still wonder where I went wrong: in which section did we install this font?
Thanks a lot,