[blfs-support] MarkupSafe/Beaker/Mako ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'html' - BLFS 8.3
rhubarbpieguy via blfs-support
2018-10-06 22:33:21 UTC
I remember receiving "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'html' for
the MarkupSafe, Beaker, and Mako Python 3 modules when compiling X.  I
put the problem on the back burner as those modules compiled for Python
2 without error so Mesa subsequently compiled.

However, now that I've finished BLFS 8.3 to my satisfaction, I find I
can compile all three without error.  Assuming a faulty memory, I
restored my LFS 8.3 image and again compiled X.  I received the same errors.

So did I make an error compiling X?  X seems to be working well. I also
tested the modules after compiling my post-X optional packages.  I
assumed I could isolate the package that fixed the problem, but haven't
caught it.

In summary, I don't know why I receive the error when compiling X and
don't know why they compile without error now.
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Ken Moffat via blfs-support
2018-10-06 23:33:36 UTC
I remember receiving "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'html' for the
MarkupSafe, Beaker, and Mako Python 3 modules when compiling X.  I put the
problem on the back burner as those modules compiled for Python 2 without
error so Mesa subsequently compiled.
However, now that I've finished BLFS 8.3 to my satisfaction, I find I can
compile all three without error.  Assuming a faulty memory, I restored my
LFS 8.3 image and again compiled X.  I received the same errors.
So did I make an error compiling X?  X seems to be working well. I also
tested the modules after compiling my post-X optional packages.  I assumed I
could isolate the package that fixed the problem, but haven't caught it.
In summary, I don't know why I receive the error when compiling X and don't
know why they compile without error now.
Googling for 'python html module' found me a page which described it
and said it contains submodules of html.entities and html.parser.

I got both of those from the chroot install of python3.


As to whether X needs them, I have no idea. The most-obvious
python-users in my own X builds are llvm and mesa, and for the
moment both are still python2.7.

But I do build Mako and MarkupSafe for 3 (I see that I'm currently
only building Beaker for 2, and AFAICS it has not been pulled in from
PIP - the only references to beaker in my 3.7 python lib are for

Ultimately, the book builds these for mesa, which is python2 at the
moment, and gobject-introspection which I had assumed is python3,
but I see that both Mako and Python2.7 are optional for it.

Is it about a bicycle ?
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